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  • Writer's picturePether Wiklander

Kattalo's unique creation process - how we build the digital learning tools of the future

At Kattalo, we are passionate about creating intuitive, innovative and inspiring digital tools that make a real difference in the classroom. But how do we stand out from the crowd in our process of developing solutions for the school world? In this article, we share the philosophies and ways of working that define us - and that we believe are key to building products that students love and teachers can't live without!

Entrepreneurial spirit meets educational passion

At the heart of Kattalo is a strong entrepreneurial drive. Our core team is made up of seasoned product and technology professionals with solid experience in building SaaS solutions from scratch. But unlike many other edtech companies, we also have a deep understanding of the realities of schools. As the children of teachers and principals, now with children of our own in preschool and school, we've seen both the challenges and joys of classrooms up close.

This combination of skills and passion is our superpower. We don't settle for anything less than world-class learning tools. Tools that are both technically brilliant and pedagogically groundbreaking - and that make students cheer and teachers gasp.

Users at the helm

But how do we know what users want? Well, we ask them! Since the beginning, we have made collaboration with teachers and students our hallmark. Through intensive brainstorming, nimble adjustments based on feedback and bold experiments directly in the classroom, we make sure we always have our finger on the pulse of the school.

A concrete example of this responsiveness is how quickly we turn teachers' requests into reality. When a teacher asked for reading support in our LÄSA feature during a webinar, it took us just a few days to build and launch the change. For us, a brilliant idea today is worth more than ten half-baked ones tomorrow - so we always work at high speed!

Quality in every pixel

But does that mean we compromise on quality? Absolutely not! In fact, high speed and high quality go hand in hand for us at Kattalo. Our secret is an uncompromising focus on stability and robustness, deeply embedded in the development process.

Since the first release, we've had thousands of automated tests that ensure everything works exactly as it should. We won't rest until every single bug trap is defused and every pixel is in the right place. All so that our users don't have to deal with frustration and technical hassles.

This quest for perfection, combined with our flexible and modular architecture, allows us to update Kattalo at a rapid pace and still keep the margin of error close to zero. It's a feat we're proud of - and one that allows teachers to focus on what matters most: inspiring students.

Towards the future of learning

Technology is advancing at a breathtaking pace, and schools with it. As an edtech company driven by curiosity and belief in the future, we are always at the forefront. We look at new opportunities, challenge prevailing truths and tirelessly test new ways forward.

Our goal is as ambitious as it is obvious: to build the best digital learning materials of tomorrow - tools that unlock the full potential of both teachers and students. We are convinced that the best way to get there is through a close and trusting collaboration between school enthusiasts and technology innovators.

So join us on the journey! We are just at the beginning of our adventure and promise that it will be challenging, educational and great fun.



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